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Pontblyddyn Cricket Club

Welcome to Pontblyddyn Cricket Club

Junior Training starts Friday 11th April

(6.30-8pm) and runs every Friday until mid-September (weather permitting)

Dedicated sessions for under 9s' 11's 13's 15,s - mixed gender teams.

All abilities welcome

Bar & BBQ for all - come and join us for the evening to try it out, newcomers welcome!

All Stars for 5 to 8 year olds - Fun introduction to cricket for all  more...............

2025 Membership applications now available
Option to pay by direct debit over a six month period

Membership forms and payment can now be completed directly from this site, click on membership to get started.

How it Works

easyfundraising partners with over 7,500 brands who will donate part of what you spend to a cause of your choice. It won't cost you any extra. The cost is covered by the brand.

Brands pay us a commission because when you start your shop from the easyfundraising website or app, they can see we sent you to them. If you make a purchase, a commission is generated, and we turn that into a donation - magic!

Click here to sign up and support the club

Click on the match details button below for fixtures & results

Club  Bar open for all events
Saturdays - 13:00

Match Details

All Stars at Pontblyddyn

Sign up now!

Jenny Thompson & Ladies Cricket @Pont

Sunday 30th  July

On Sunday 30th July we were pleased to welcome Jenny Thompson to Pontblyddyn CC where she joined in with a training session and short game with our newly formed ladies team.

Jenny is travelling the world and "aiming to become the worlds most travelled female cricketer"

Jenny has since moved on to many other countries, follow her very well documented journey on her Facebook page.

Featured in

The Cricket Paper

1st October 2023

(click to view)

Rhys Jones, club captain and  stalwart is selected for Wales over 50s

Congratulations to Rhys on his selection for the Wales over 50 team.

Having played in three county championship games earlier this year  he is in the squad for the upcoming matches against, India, USA & England.

Welcome to Pontblyddyn CC

Pontlyddyn CC, dates back to the mid 1800s and we are proud of our history. Presently our first and second teams play in the North Wales Cricket League. The 1st XI play in  Division One and the 2nd XI in Division Two.  Our 3rd XI team introduces young players on the verge of senior cricket to the longer format of the senior game playing in the Sunday Third team division.  2024 sees our newly formed ladies team playing in the NW cricket league.

We have junior teams playing in the North Wales junior competitions in under 9, 11, 13 and 15 age groups. We welcome boys and girls to come and participate at all levels. We also participate in the ECB All-Stars which introduces boys & girls from age 5 to 8 to cricket.

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